Manage Semji users

To add users to your Organization or Workspace and manage their access rights.

Why manage users?

Semji has been designed to adapt to all team sizes, from the web marketer supported by an intern, to the team of specialized writers supervised by several managers. Thus, the platform has different levels of granularity to manage content production and authorized users.

Controlling the level of user access allows you to assign actions and responsibilities to the right people in the organization.

Some examples of features you may want to restrict:

  • SSO SAML activation
  • Excluded Keywords section
  • Global contents performance 
  • Credit logs

Assigning the right level of rights to users can prevent mistakes. For example, you can prevent a writer from creating a draft in the Planning of another website (another Workspace) than the one he is supposed to work on and avoid spending an analysis credit by mistake.

How to manage users?

User rights levels can be defined at the Organization level and at the individual Workspace level.

The Organization brings together your company and your teams in Semji. An Organization can contain several Workspaces, i.e. several websites or several markets (language/country). The Workspace is the interface where you can edit content. Thus, when you are connected to a Workspace, you are necessarily a member of the Organization.

Example : an organization can include:

  • Workspace 1 :
  • Workspace 2 :
  • Workspace 3 :

If the content of each of your sites or markets is produced by separate teams, you can assign each user access to the Workspace that concerns him or her.

Example: you can decide to grant your team access to the whole Organization, i.e. to all Workspaces, or only to Workspace 1 or Workspace 2.

Understand user rights levels

1. At the Organization level

There are 2 levels of rights at the Organization level:

  • Admin
  • Member

Each Organization must have at least one Administrator. This is the highest level of rights possible in Semji.

The Administrator is usually the very first user to join Semji through an invitation link sent by their Customer Success Manager.

The Administrator has access to the following features in the Organization Settings:

  • Creation and deletion of workspaces, as well as their configuration
  • Details of credit expenses (“Credits logs”)
  • Possibility to configure the connection in SSO SAML for all user teams (“Security”)
  • New users creation and generation of automatic invitation emails (“Users”)

Navigation interface of a user with an "Admin" status within the Organization: the Settings section is accessible and the number of remaining analysis credits is visible.

From the "Users" tab, the Organization Administrator can manage the access of other users. He can :

  • Grant access to the whole Organization or to some Workspaces only
  • Change the level of rights of the users of the Organization by defining them as "Admin" or as "Member".
  • Send them a link to change their password
  • Remove their access to the Organization

A Member of your Organization cannot invite new users, and has no access to the Organization settings (the Settings tab).

However, he can access all the Workspaces, or only some of them, depending on the rights defined at the time of his invitation.


What a user with a"Member" status sees inside the Organization: the Settings button is not accessible, and the number of analysis credits is not visible. 

2. At a Workspace level

There are several levels of rights at the Workspace level:

  • Owner
  • Member
  • Guest Writer

Only a user with an Owner status can invite users to join the Workspace and manage their access.

Thus, most of the time, the Organization Admins are also Owner of the different Workspaces, in order to be able to manage the users' rights at all levels.

An Owner has access to the Workspace settings and can:

  • Rename the workspace or delete it
  • Manage content status
  • Exclude terms and keywords from the Headings, Questions and Topics recommendations in the Workspace drafts.
    For example: exclude your competitors brand name ("Keywords relevance" tab)
  • Add and manage Workspace users ("Users" tab)
  • Connect analytical tools, also called Service Integrations, such as Google Analytics, Search Console or AT Internet.

Navigation interface of a Workspace Owner user: Settings are accessible

From the "Users" tab, the Owner user can manage the access of other users:

  • Send them invitations to access this Workspace only
  • Change users rights on this Workspace by setting them as "Owner", as "Member" or as "Guest Writer
  • Send them a link to change their password
  • Remove their access to this Workspace

Users with the Member access level do not have access to the Workspace Settings. They have access to all other features of the platform.

Users with Guest Writer access level have limited access to the platform features. They can only access the Planning tab, and see the content assigned to all workspace members.

Users with Limited Guest Writer access level have restricted access to the platform features. They only have access to the Planning tab and can only see the content assigned to them. They can assign drafts to other users, but will no longer see them in their interface.

These last two statuses allow you to invite freelance writers or external service providers to the platform, without giving them access to sensitive or confidential information (such as the turnover performance of your content, in the Reports tab).

Manage user access

1. Add users from the Organization

At the Organization level, the Admin is the only one who can invite other users.
As an Admin, access the Organization Settings, as seen above:

Choose the "Users" tab and click on the "Invite Users" button.

You can then select one or more Workspaces belonging to the Organization, then enter the email addresses of the users to whom you wish to grant access.

If you check all the workspaces, the user will have access to the whole organization.

You can enter multiple email addresses to share the same Workspaces with several users.

Note: by default these users have an "Organization Member" status and Shared Workspace Member. You can change their access level to Organization Admin once these users appear in your list.

You can make this status change even when a user has not accepted their invitation yet ("Pending Invite").

2. Add users from the Workspace

At the Workspace level, Owner(s) are the only ones who can invite other users to join this Workspace.

As an Owner, you can access the Workspace Settings, as seen before:

Choose the Users tab and click on the "Invite Users" button.


You can then enter the email addresses of the users you wish to invite into this Workspace.

If these users already have access to other Workspaces of your Organization, their address will be suggested in auto-completion in a drop-down list.

Note: These users have Member status in the Workspace by default.

You can change their access level to Owner or Guest Writer within this Workspace once these users appear in your list.

The users you have invited to join Semji will then receive an email inviting them to create their account and listing the workspaces they have access to.

By clicking on "Join Now", they are directed to the Semji platform and invited to create a secure password associated with their email, which will be their login.

This password creation link is valid for 30 days from its reception and expires after this period. You can then generate a new invitation by clicking on "Resend invite". You can also cancel this invitation if the user's address is no longer valid or if you do not want them to join your Semji team anymore, by clicking on "Cancel invite".

Access these two options by clicking on the three horizontal dots to the right of the user's status:

Let's sum up !

When to add my users in the Organization?

  • When I want to give them access to several workspaces at once
  • When I want to add several people to the "Member" status of one or several Workspaces
  • When I want to give them an Organization Admin status, i.e. the possibility to change advanced settings of the Organization and to invite new users

When to add my users in the Workspace?

  • When I want to give access to a unique Workspace to one or more users
  • When I want to grant restricted access (Guest Writer or Limited Guest Writer) to one or more users
  • When I want to give them the Owner status of this Workspace, i.e. the possibility to change the advanced settings of the Workspace and to invite new users

3. Invite a user to reset their password

This option can be useful if a user has forgotten his password. He can launch the password reset process himself, but he can also ask a Workspace Owner or an Organization Admin to do it for him.

If your company's security policy requires you to reset employee passwords on a regular basis or on a one-time basis following an internal event, this option allows you to do so on a massive scale in just a few clicks.

To send an email to a user and invite him to reset his password, click on the three horizontal dots to the right of his status, and choose "Reset password".

The user will receive an email asking him to choose a new password.

4. Remove a user's access

The Admin of an Organization and the Owner of a Workspace can remove access to one or more users if necessary.

This option is also available by clicking on the three horizontal dots to the right of a user's status:

By clicking on "Remove from Organization/Workspace", you will no longer allow this user to connect to your Semji Organization or Workspace. Next time the user tries to log in, an error message will appear telling them that they no longer have access to the targeted Organization or Workspace.

Only do this if you are sure that the user should no longer have access to all your data on Semji. If you simply want to restrict their access rights, you can change their status or contact your Customer Success Manager who will advise you on the best option.

If you have removed a user's access by mistake, you can invite him/her again by following the adding procedure described above.

How many users can join Semji?

The maximum number of users you can invite to Semji is set at the Organization level and depends on the subscription package you have.

This limit is mentioned on your contract. Do not hesitate to contact your Customer Success Manager for further details.

Once this limit is reached, you will receive an alert message and you will not be able to invite new people to join your Organization or your Workspaces. You will have to upgrade your plan to add new members.