Why and how to exclude keywords from Semji recommendations?

In the settings, you can easily exclude specific keywords from Semji recommendations

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Why exclude keywords from Semji recommendations?

Semji provides you with optimization recommendations related to the main query you want to work on. If you know which terms you do not want to see in the recommendations (for exemple, a competitor's name), you can easily exclude them from Semji recommendations.

This feature allows you to avoid disabling the keyword several times in the editor itself and saves you time by not showing you keywords you do not want to work on.

Note: When excluding your keywords, check that you are not deleting keywords that are important and relevant to you.

How to exclude keywords from Semji recommendations? 

Here are the steps to quickly exclude keywords from Semji recommendations: 

Note: You can exclude as many keywords as you want.

  1. Go to Semji's "Settings";

settings app

2.  Click on "Excluded keywords" in the workspace settings;

3.  Enter the different terms that should not be included in the recommendations;

4.  Click “Save”. 

The different terms in this list will no longer be suggested in future recommendations.

Note: This action is permanent. You can use the "X" icon to remove the term from the excluded keywords. It will once again be included in the related recommendations.